Posts From: advice on relationships Category

Posted On: 29 Oct,2018 By:
Category: Couples, Relationships

Relationship Disconnect: The Plight of Cell Phones

  Over 80% percent of us have cell phones.  And we’re on them a lot. Some research completed last year found we spent over four hours a day on our phones texting, talking, responding to emails, and going on social media. Combine that with the amount of time we spend on other devices such as […]

Posted On: 21 Oct,2018 By:
Category: Couples, Relationships

Remembering to Laugh in Romantic Relationships

I’m planning a weekend workshop for couples right now. I’ve been looking at video clips of relationships trying to find ways to show the lighter side of the sometimes hard work in relationships.

Posted On: 15 Oct,2018 By:
Category: Couples, EMDR, Relationships, Uncategorized

EMDR in Couples Therapy

EMDR or eye movement desensitization and reprocessing is something that can be really helpful in couple’s therapy. It can really help us to be able to resolve our feelings about our current relationship as well as deal with past issues that may be plaguing us both. Curious how?

Posted On: 16 Sep,2018 By:
Category: Relationships

Couple’s Counselling Solo

You may be asking, “How the heck can someone go to couple’s counselling alone? That doesn’t make sense.” But think about it. There are a number of reasons you may want to go talk with a psychologist alone.

Posted On: 24 Jul,2016 By:
Category: Couples, Relationships

Relationship Help: Accepting Influence

Many people ask for relationship help when arguments seem to keep reaching an impasse. What can you do when you feel like both of you are locked in your positions?

Posted On: 24 Nov,2015 By:
Category: Couples

What Kind of Marriage do you Want or Have?

  What kind of marriage do you want or have? Despite the broadening of our concepts of what marriage is supposed to be like, the divorce rates of first time marriages

Posted On: 9 Feb,2014 By:
Category: Couples, Introverts and Extroverts

Opposites Attract but can they Stay Together?

In the Beginning   Ron was initially attracted to Anna because she had her life so together. She knew what she wanted to do for a career and actively worked to achieve her career goals. She was at the top of her class and kept striving to be better. Anna aced all her assignments while […]

Posted On: 10 Jan,2013 By:
Category: Couple's Retreat

A Tailor-Made Couples Retreat in Canmore

Who comes to the private retreats? I’m amazed and in awe of how hard couples are willing to work to make things better in their relationships. People come wanting to do to things such as rekindle their love, deepen their friendship, to feel closer to one another again, to have support in communication and conflict, […]

Posted On: 24 Oct,2012 By:
Category: Couple's Retreat

A Couples Retreat for Counseling Virgins

The decision *Jack had never been to counseling before. He was used to dealing with things by himself. The thought of talking to a stranger about their personal problems was so completely foreign he had a hard time imagining it let alone actually doing it.

Posted On: 29 Aug,2012 By:
Category: Couple's Retreat

Couples Retreat Help

This year has been incredibly busy with couple’s retreats. It’s work I find incredibly gratifying. Working with people who are on the brink of ending their relationships, who have been devastated by affairs, who have arguments that go badly, or who have grown apart is challenging. But it’s also really rewarding to witness people coming […]