Posts From: Stress Category

Reading at home
Posted On: 20 Mar,2020 By:
Category: Stress

Day-to-Day Strategies during the COVID 19 Pandemic

All of us are being asked to stay at home to socially distance. In our active community, it can be difficult to spend a lot of time there. Worry, stress, anger, restlessness, or boredom may rise up. Below are some ideas to manage your feelings over the coming days and weeks: Eat well-balanced, wholesome meals. […]

Posted On: 30 Sep,2018 By:
Category: Abuse, Addiction, Anxiety/Worry, Bullying, Depression, EMDR, Grief, Sleep, Stress, Trauma

What Can EMDR Do For You?

  I don’t know if you’ve heard of EMDR or not. EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. It’s an amazing kind of therapy developed by Francine Shapiro to help people through traumas big and small.

Posted On: 4 Feb,2017 By:
Category: Stress

Managing Stress Through Technological Hell

Recently I went through another lesson in managing stress with technological issues. It all began on a day when I was writing up receipts for clients. I had just gotten started when my accounting program shut down. After re-opening it three or four times, it no longer would start.

Posted On: 22 Jun,2014 By:
Category: Anxiety/Worry, Stress

What Helps with Stress from Computers

Stress from Computers Stress from computers can be a unique kind of stress. On Sunday night I got a message on my computer

Posted On: 24 Jun,2013 By:
Category: Stress

Living Through a Disaster

This last week Canmore, Banff, Harvie Heights, Exshaw, Calgary, and a number of other communities experienced the worst flood any of us have ever experienced here. It was like a surreal dream to see the devastation unfold. Many of us were in disbelief as Cougar Creek ripped an ever-widening birth taking decks, hot tubs, and […]

Posted On: 25 Feb,2013 By:
Category: Avalanche, Stress

An Avalanche Death: Stress and other Factors

A close friend recounted a horrible event to me recently. He once was alpine touring with a group of five. The longest skiing connection amongst the group was 30 years and the shortest was 2. Everyone was an experienced skier. Each knew how to dig a snow pit and analyze the conditions. All knew how […]

Posted On: 15 Mar,2012 By:
Category: Goals and Change, Stress

What to do when Bad Luck Happens

I just got back from a two week vacation in Mexico. It was heavenly. Really relaxing and really fun. As we started to come back though, sh*t started to happen! My husband caught the stomach flu just hours before our flight. He was in rough shape. Then the winds prevented our last plane from being […]

Posted On: 5 Feb,2012 By:
Category: Avalanche, Stress

Avalanche Burnout

What an amazing life! Winter mountain guides have an amazing job. You take people skiing on amazing, often untracked terrain, lead adrenalin junkies up ice falls, and get to spend all day outside. Oh the life!

Posted On: 19 Dec,2011 By:
Category: Stress

Holiday Blues: Surviving Christmas

  It’s Christmas time. The decorations are everywhere, Christmas music is playing, there’s partys galore, and all you’re thinking about is…surviving Christmas. How can you deal with the holiday blues?

Posted On: 13 Apr,2011 By:
Category: Stress

How to Manage Stress Amidst the Hustle and Bustle of Life

There is more to life than increasing its speed. ~Ghandi   Last week I had the opportunity to take a few days off work to go on a ski trip. It was absolutely fantastic!! I loved being in the fresh mountain air exercising my body, laughing with people, and having fun skiing in light, fluffy […]