Posts From: Depression Category

Posted On: 14 Feb,2019 By:
Category: Depression

Depression Quiz: Are You Depressed?

  This depression quiz will help you figure out whether you’re depressed or not. Read the following questions and keep track of your yes and no responses.     1.    Are you having trouble concentrating? Y N 2.    Have you had trouble sleeping? Y N 3.    Are you feeling low in energy? Y N 4.    […]

Posted On: 30 Sep,2018 By:
Category: Abuse, Addiction, Anxiety/Worry, Bullying, Depression, EMDR, Grief, Sleep, Stress, Trauma

What Can EMDR Do For You?

  I don’t know if you’ve heard of EMDR or not. EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. It’s an amazing kind of therapy developed by Francine Shapiro to help people through traumas big and small.

Posted On: 29 Jan,2017 By:
Category: Anxiety/Worry, Depression, Diagnosis, Grief

Mental Health Awareness: It Begins with You

Mental Health awareness is growing every decade. The stigma surrounding mental health issues has been lessening but still has a long way to go. Campaigns such as Bell Canada’s Let’s talk really help in raising awareness.

Posted On: 17 Jan,2013 By:
Category: Depression

Mindfully Moving Past Depression

I’ve written blogs about depression. For example: The Deep Dark Hole of Depression Finding Meaning in Life When You’re Feeling Depressed Moving Past Sadness or Depression I I’ve also written about mindfulness:

Posted On: 20 Jun,2012 By:
Category: Depression

The Deep Dark Hole of Depression

A Depression Story You’re lying in bed at home. It’s time to get up. It’s been time to get up for hours. You just can’t quite get yourself to do it. Your body feels heavy and you have no energy. You’re so tired despite sleeping the last 12 hours. You finally pull yourself out of […]

Posted On: 27 Dec,2011 By:
Category: Anxiety/Worry, Bullying, Couples, Depression

2011 in Review: Relationship Advice, Anxiety & Depression Tools Etc

2011 is coming to an end. I’d like to share my most popular posts with you and invite your comments! Relationship Advice Lots of people want help in making their relationships better. Whether that’s through a couple’s counselling retreat, couple’s counselling, or reading blog posts like mine, couples are motivated to re-connect in more meaningful […]

Posted On: 28 May,2011 By:
Category: Depression, Making Meaning, Solution-focused

Finding Meaning in Life when you’re Feeling Depressed

Years ago I read a fascinating book by Viktor Frankl, a Jewish psychiatrist and World War II survivor of the Holocaust entitled, Man’s Search for Meaning. It was an incredibly moving autobiography of his experiences as a prisoner of war and his well-considered thoughts on the meaning of life.

Posted On: 14 May,2010 By:
Category: Anxiety/Worry, Depression, Making Meaning

The Demise of Problems in Living: The Rise of Mental Disorders

Diagnosing someone with a mental disorder such as anxiety or depression requires ensuring the person meets a certain number of criteria of a particular disorder. The disorders and their criteria are listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-4th edition, text revised (the DSM-IV-TR). There is growing concern that more and more disorders are being […]

Posted On: 12 Apr,2010 By:
Category: Depression

It’s All In Your Head–No wait!–Your Gut…Or? Rethinking Depression

Serotonin and your gut I was having a conversation with a psychiatrist, Dr. Bud Rickhi, the other day. He told me serotonin is produced in your gut (95% of it anyways) and is transported to your brain via your blood vessels.

Posted On: 16 Mar,2010 By:
Category: Anxiety/Worry, Depression, Making Meaning

Pondering Health and Wellness: Anxiety, Depression, & Hormones

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about health and wellness and its relationship to moving past troubles–both emotional and physical. I’ve been thinking about ideas such as whether meaning, purpose, and belonging make a difference in helping people live the life they want; I’ve been thinking about the relationship between mental health and physical […]