Couples Retreat Help


Couple sitting beside Lake LouiseThis year has been incredibly busy with couple’s retreats. It’s work I find incredibly gratifying. Working with people who are on the brink of ending their relationships, who have been devastated by affairs, who have arguments that go badly, or who have grown apart is challenging. But it’s also really rewarding to witness people coming closer together, to be able to talk with one another in ways that really work for them, and to go home feeling like they’ve got a clear plan.

Here are some comments by folks on the retreat in general:

  • “Everything was absolutely perfect. I felt so comfortable to be 100% honest and open.”
  • “Great experience, comfortable setting, and good approaches. Thanks for the help.”
  • “Thank you Renee, I feel that my partner and I have connected in a way that I thought was not possible. You are great at what you do.”
  • “This was the most helpful couple’s counselling I have had. You managed to identify the underlying issues that were keeping us apart.”
  • “Renee’s mannerisms, nature, and verbal guidance was perfect for us.”
  • “I think that you are amazing. Thank you for getting us on the right track. I honestly didn’t think we would get to this place.”

I strongly believe in structuring the couple’s retreat to meet the needs of each couple. There’s no cookie-cutter approach to helping you have your relationship go the way you want it to. Here are some comments about the approach used:

  • “We have the tools and have put them to use on how to communicate more effectively.”
  • “We were able to touch on all the issues and more that came out of the communication exercises.”
  • “The tools given for us to use rekindled hope.”
  • “I feel I know what I need to do to succeed and because I felt so comfortable I was able to be honest with my partner so that he knows exactly what I need. I feel hopeful.”
  • “I’m very happy with how this weekend turned out! I feel like we have lots of ideas and tools to go home with to work on making our relationship and family better! I much more prefer this retreat over any weekly counseling. I think it is way more effective!”
  • “I found it helpful to have someone there to stop things before they get heated, and remind us to use the different tools in our discussions.”
  • I’m confident that I have the tools and I think putting the tools to use during our meetings helped me to understand how to use the tools going forward.”
  • “I better understand where my wife is coming from on certain things and that there is not always a right and wrong.”
  • “I feel the tools and suggestions at this retreat would benefit any relationship, whether or not in turmoil.”

I’m curious to hear from people what ideas they found most helpful during our time together. Here’s what some had to say:

  • “Communication exercise; devising a workable plan to implement.”
  • “Planning intimate times together–date nights, anticipation, etc.”
  • “Working through disagreements successfully and in a healthy manner.”
  • “Discovering ways to ask for what I want from my partner instead of assuming she knows.”
  • “The Five Love Languages and how to argue more productively.”
  • “Learning to listen and understand the other person’s viewpoint and how to pose a question in an inquisitive way.”
  • “To be mindfulful of the other person’s needs and understanding. To really listen.”
  • “Ideas on how to communicate and how to make discussions more productive.”
  • “Use of asking more questions rather than offering more solutions.”
  • “Taking a break when discussing heated topics.”

The couples retreat offers you some concentrated time to focus on the relationship away from daily demands. It gives you the opportunity to give your relationship the time and attention it needs as well as some tools to deal with the inevitable challenges that crop up. Want to make things better? Let’s talk.

Sign up for the retreat