Posts From: Making Meaning Category

Posted On: 13 Aug,2018 By:
Category: Making Meaning

Millennials, Meaning, and Purpose

  Meaning and purpose are really important to lots of millennials. What is the purpose of our lives? What is the meaning of climate change, environmental degradation, the various conflicts in different parts of the world, and the rising inequality amongst people here? These questions can lead to intense feelings of anxiety and sadness.   […]

Posted On: 1 Nov,2013 By:
Category: Change, Making Meaning

Growing through Difficulty

There is meaning hidden in the small changes of everyday life, and wisdom to be found in the shards of your most broken moments. Elizabeth Lesser   Broken Open There is a book entitled, Broken open: How Difficult Times Can Help Us Grow by Elizabeth Lesser that contains many pearls of wisdom about change, loss, […]

Posted On: 17 Oct,2013 By:
Category: Abuse, Change, Making Meaning

In Honor of Resilience

Learn the alchemy true human beings know. The moment you accept what troubles you’ve been given, the door will open. – Rumi   Helen Rose Recently I read a book entitled, 53 Grove Rd by Helen Rose. It’s a short memoir written by a woman I know who lives in the Bow Valley. It chronicles […]

Posted On: 19 May,2012 By:
Category: Making Meaning

Making Meaning of the Absolute Truth in Psychiatric Diagnosis

The last few months I’ve been reading books on subjects such as couple’s therapy, introversion, sex drive, infidelity, and mindfulness. As I’ve been reading, a growing sense of unease has lead me to re-consider labels.

Posted On: 28 May,2011 By:
Category: Depression, Making Meaning, Solution-focused

Finding Meaning in Life when you’re Feeling Depressed

Years ago I read a fascinating book by Viktor Frankl, a Jewish psychiatrist and World War II survivor of the Holocaust entitled, Man’s Search for Meaning. It was an incredibly moving autobiography of his experiences as a prisoner of war and his well-considered thoughts on the meaning of life.

Posted On: 14 May,2010 By:
Category: Anxiety/Worry, Depression, Making Meaning

The Demise of Problems in Living: The Rise of Mental Disorders

Diagnosing someone with a mental disorder such as anxiety or depression requires ensuring the person meets a certain number of criteria of a particular disorder. The disorders and their criteria are listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-4th edition, text revised (the DSM-IV-TR). There is growing concern that more and more disorders are being […]

Posted On: 16 Mar,2010 By:
Category: Anxiety/Worry, Depression, Making Meaning

Pondering Health and Wellness: Anxiety, Depression, & Hormones

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about health and wellness and its relationship to moving past troubles–both emotional and physical. I’ve been thinking about ideas such as whether meaning, purpose, and belonging make a difference in helping people live the life they want; I’ve been thinking about the relationship between mental health and physical […]

Posted On: 12 Dec,2009 By:
Category: Holidays, Making Meaning, Solution-focused

Spending Christmas Alone: Living in the Moment Joyfully

Christmas on TV: We watch commercials of a family at Christmas. Mom and dad are there with the kids, everyone is laughing and enjoying themselves, there’s lots of presents and good food to eat amidst a beautifully decorated house.  But what do those commercials do to you when you don’t have a family¸ you’re estranged […]