Posts From: Holidays Category

Posted On: 17 Dec,2013 By:
Category: Change, Holidays

Food, Mood, and Exercise over the Holidays

  Food, mood, and exercise over the holidays are often not conscious or careful considerations. Let’s face it. During the holidays, we often over-indulge on food and drink. And we may spend more time doing that than getting enough exercise. But it’s the holiday right?

Posted On: 31 Jan,2011 By:
Category: Holidays, Stress

Alone on Valentine’s Day: Dealing with Holiday Stress

I get by with a little help from my friends. – John Lennon “Being single used to mean that nobody wanted you. Now it means you’re pretty sexy and you’re taking your time deciding how you want your life to be and who you want to spend it with.” – Sex and the City  

Posted On: 21 Dec,2009 By:
Category: Holidays, Relax

Ho ho ho! Laughter as Medicine

This weekend was a busy one. I attended 2 dinner parties with friends. Prior to going to them I had been orchestrating an incredibly hectic week and the evening parties were beginning to look like just another chore. Imagine my delight when I left each one with an enormous smile, sore face and tummy muscles […]

Posted On: 12 Dec,2009 By:
Category: Holidays, Making Meaning, Solution-focused

Spending Christmas Alone: Living in the Moment Joyfully

Christmas on TV: We watch commercials of a family at Christmas. Mom and dad are there with the kids, everyone is laughing and enjoying themselves, there’s lots of presents and good food to eat amidst a beautifully decorated house.  But what do those commercials do to you when you don’t have a family¸ you’re estranged […]

Posted On: 8 Dec,2009 By:
Category: Holidays, Stress

The 4 F’s of the F’ing Holidays! Beating Holiday Stress

Holidays can be the best of times, and the worst of times; they can be times of wisdom or times of foolishness; they can be the epoch of beliefs, they can be the epoch of consumerism; holidays are the season of lights during the season of darkness; holidays can be the spring of hope, or […]