Posts From: Abuse Category

Posted On: 30 Sep,2018 By:
Category: Abuse, Addiction, Anxiety/Worry, Bullying, Depression, EMDR, Grief, Sleep, Stress, Trauma

What Can EMDR Do For You?

  I don’t know if you’ve heard of EMDR or not. EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. It’s an amazing kind of therapy developed by Francine Shapiro to help people through traumas big and small.

Posted On: 22 Jul,2018 By:
Category: Abuse, Trauma

PTSD and Trauma Treatment

PTSD and trauma have historically been treated using talk therapy alone. But things are changing with the recognition of the role of the body in processing experiences.

Posted On: 17 Oct,2013 By:
Category: Abuse, Change, Making Meaning

In Honor of Resilience

Learn the alchemy true human beings know. The moment you accept what troubles you’ve been given, the door will open. – Rumi   Helen Rose Recently I read a book entitled, 53 Grove Rd by Helen Rose. It’s a short memoir written by a woman I know who lives in the Bow Valley. It chronicles […]

Posted On: 8 Nov,2012 By:
Category: Abuse, Couples

Standing Up in Abusive Relationships

Suzanna Suzanna was swept off her feet by Stanley. He was charismatic, charming, interesting, and really attentive. In the early days they would go out for really long dates and the time would fly. After 6 months of dating, Stanley asked Suzanna to move in with him and she said yes. A week prior to […]

Posted On: 8 Mar,2010 By:
Category: Abuse, Response-based therapy

Violence Against Women: Responding to Abuse

There is a lot of information and support for people who are in abusive relationships. Traditional support seems to regard people who have experienced emotional abuse or physical abuse as somehow damaged, dysfunctional, and deficient. There is, however, a growing idea that people respond to abuse in a variety of ways, that they do things […]