Privacy & Confidentiality

Privacy & Confidentiality

Your privacy is of upmost importance to me.The conversations we have are confidential but there are some exceptions where I am legally obligated to share information:

  • If you are imminently planning on killing yourself;
  • If you are planning on hurting someone else;
  • If you are in court proceedings, and the files are subpoenaed.

In all other circumstances, I will only share information with others such as your physician, psychiatrist, or employer after receiving signed written consent from you unless I have reasonable and probable grounds to believe that disclosure is necessary to prevent grave harm to you or someone else’s mental or physical well-being. In such cases, I will only provide information on a need-to-know basis.

If you are receiving services at the request of an employer, a lawyer, or the courts, we will discuss and clarify confidentiality and the limits to confidentiality at the outset and at any time anything changes.

If you and another person or persons are receiving psychological support together (I.e. a couple or a group), we will discuss and come up with an agreement in regards to confidentiality and sharing of information should we meet alone or with individual members of the group.

I do keep notes on our meetings and keep them in a locked filing cabinet. My computer is password, firewall, and virus protected to ensure your privacy is maintained.

If you have any questions or concerns about your privacy, please let me know so that we can find a solution.