Posts From: marriage retreats Alberta Category

Posted On: 26 Jul,2018 By:
Category: Couple's Retreat

Top Three Reasons for a Couple’s Retreat

  The exact reasons people want to come to a couple’s retreat vary. But the top three reasons people come to my retreats are: 

Posted On: 31 Oct,2012 By:
Category: Couple's Retreat

Moving past Skeletons in the Closet during a Marriage Retreat

*Veronica and Darryl came for the marriage retreat after both realized their relationship just wasn’t getting better on its own. They were committed to their relationship but couldn’t figure out how to bridge the ocean that was growing between them.

Posted On: 29 Aug,2012 By:
Category: Couple's Retreat

Couples Retreat Help

This year has been incredibly busy with couple’s retreats. It’s work I find incredibly gratifying. Working with people who are on the brink of ending their relationships, who have been devastated by affairs, who have arguments that go badly, or who have grown apart is challenging. But it’s also really rewarding to witness people coming […]

Posted On: 16 Feb,2012 By:
Category: Couple's Retreat

Rebuilding Communication and Connection in a Couples Retreat

Lots of couples that I work with grapple with communication and connection. How do you stay feeling connected when the communication isn’t what you want it to be? How do you keep on trying when you’re feeling so discouraged?

Posted On: 5 Dec,2011 By:
Category: Couple's Retreat

The Couples Retreat: How to Save a Marriage

I just finished another marriage retreat with a couple. I can’t tell you how satisfying it feels to work with a couple regarding their relationship problems and finish the weekend with everyone feeling like it made a significant difference.

Posted On: 17 Jun,2010 By:
Category: Couple's Retreat, Couples

Rebuilding your Relationship: Rediscovering Love and Connection

  You and your partner have worked all day long. You’re home now and tired. But there’s dinner to make, dishes to do, tidying, and laundry. If you have kids, there’s a whole lot more to the list-spending time with her/him/them, helping with homework, going to extra-curricular activities-possibly more than one if you have more […]

Posted On: 5 Apr,2010 By:
Category: Couple's Retreat

Things to do while at a Couple’s Counselling Retreat in Banff

  You’ve decided you want to work some things out in your relationship. Maybe it’s time to address some issues that just don’t seem to be getting any better. Maybe you want to rekindle the passion you once had. You may have some clear ideas of what you want, or perhaps you’d like to figure […]