Posts From: relaxation Category

Posted On: 17 Jan,2012 By:
Category: Goals and Change, Relax

Using Relaxation and Visualization to Reach your Goals

Want to get in the right head space to reach your goals? Being relaxed before you think about your goals puts you there. Ever heard of progressive relaxation? Progressive Relaxation Find a comfortable place to sit or lie down. Take a few deep breaths to slow down. Start with your toes on one foot. Breathe […]

Posted On: 13 Apr,2011 By:
Category: Stress

How to Manage Stress Amidst the Hustle and Bustle of Life

There is more to life than increasing its speed. ~Ghandi   Last week I had the opportunity to take a few days off work to go on a ski trip. It was absolutely fantastic!! I loved being in the fresh mountain air exercising my body, laughing with people, and having fun skiing in light, fluffy […]

Posted On: 5 Apr,2011 By:
Category: Relax

Breathing Meditation

I’m reading a really interesting book called, Learning to Breathe by Alison Wright. Alison is an international photojournalist who was working in Laos when she was in a terrible bus accident.

Posted On: 29 Mar,2011 By:
Category: Relax

The Power of Silence

I once was on an overnight backpacking trip at a beautiful mountain lake with a couple of friends. The mosquitoes were bad—really bad—and we didn’t have any bug spray. We spent some time in our tents but quickly grew restless because it was so beautiful and sunny outside.

Posted On: 8 Mar,2011 By:
Category: Sleep

5 Steps to Sleeping Better

It’s amazing what a difference a good night’s sleep can make on our whole outlook on life. Sleep affects so much—our physical and mental health, our ability to do our jobs, our relationships, our ability to get those daily chores done, or to have fun doing things that help make life so worthwhile.

Posted On: 28 Feb,2011 By:
Category: Relax

The Amazing Power of Animals

I’ve always loved animals.  I’ve had dogs for most of my life and enjoy their unconditional love and affection. My dog has always greeted me at my door tail wagging excitedly no matter what kind of a day I’ve had.

Posted On: 9 Jun,2010 By:
Category: Relax, Stress

8 Benefits of Relaxation: Good Stress Management

Here’s a list of reasons why relaxation is so important. As a psychologist and life coach, I still need to remind myself of its value. Not because I don’t inherently know it, but because although it’s something I aim to do daily, it can sometimes seem like a million-and-one other things need to get done […]