In a week and a half, I’m chairing the 8th annual Solution Focused Brief Therapy Association Conferencehere in Banff. I’m really excited about it!! I really believe in this approach to working with people and am grateful to have the opportunity to organize the conference. Comparison of SFBT with CBT & MI For the last […]
The European Brief Therapy Association Conference in Malmo, Sweden finished today. It’s a professional development conference that happens in different places in Europe once a year. I attended it for the first time.
1. The dream: Suppose when you go to sleep tonight, you have a dream. Not just any old, run of the mill dream or some totally weird nonsense that leaves you shaking your head in disbelief. This dream seems really real—vivid and rich. It’s a dream of life—of your life—going exactly the way you want […]
Last week I was at the annual Solution Focused Brief Therapy Association (SFBTA) conference in Albany. As usual, it was an incredible few days. Terri Pichot, a psychotherapist from Colorado and a board member of the association, talked about three levels of integration of solution-focused ideas that can take place as people learn about SFBT. […]
As a kid in Banff, I often stepped in when other kids were getting bullied. It just didn’t seem fair to me that kids were getting picked on for the way their bodies or clothes looked, for being sensitive, or in my case, for being more serious and coming from one of “those families.” I […]