Posts From: power of choice Category

Posted On: 22 Jun,2014 By:
Category: Anxiety/Worry, Stress

What Helps with Stress from Computers

Stress from Computers Stress from computers can be a unique kind of stress. On Sunday night I got a message on my computer

Posted On: 1 Nov,2013 By:
Category: Change, Making Meaning

Growing through Difficulty

There is meaning hidden in the small changes of everyday life, and wisdom to be found in the shards of your most broken moments. Elizabeth Lesser   Broken Open There is a book entitled, Broken open: How Difficult Times Can Help Us Grow by Elizabeth Lesser that contains many pearls of wisdom about change, loss, […]

Posted On: 17 Oct,2013 By:
Category: Abuse, Change, Making Meaning

In Honor of Resilience

Learn the alchemy true human beings know. The moment you accept what troubles you’ve been given, the door will open. – Rumi   Helen Rose Recently I read a book entitled, 53 Grove Rd by Helen Rose. It’s a short memoir written by a woman I know who lives in the Bow Valley. It chronicles […]

Posted On: 22 Nov,2011 By:
Category: Goals and Change

Turning Points and the Power of Will: Living Life on Your Terms

I’ve been reading a book about finding your passion. It’s gotten me thinking about the power of passion and will, what becomes a turning point in someone’s life, and what helps create inspiration in people’s lives. Turning Point Alison was a photo-journalist whose passion was to bring to life the struggles of people in third […]

Posted On: 5 Jun,2011 By:
Category: Goals and Change

Creating and Enhancing a Positive Outlook on Life

I just finished a really quick read: How Full is Your Bucket? written by a psychologist and his grandson. There was some simple but interesting ideas discussed.