Posts From: de-stressing Category

Posted On: 22 Jun,2014 By:
Category: Anxiety/Worry, Stress

What Helps with Stress from Computers

Stress from Computers Stress from computers can be a unique kind of stress. On Sunday night I got a message on my computer

Posted On: 25 Jan,2011 By:
Category: Relax, Stress

Having Fun Yet? Getting Rid of Stress

The other night I went to a dinner and dance that was a blast! It was a fundraiser. You’re probably thinking, a fundraiser that was fun? This woman’s really exciting. I can hear the sarcasm dripping off that remark!

Posted On: 15 Dec,2010 By:
Category: Relax, Stress

Stress Be Gone

I got this e-mail message the other day that I thought was brilliant:   A lecturer when explaining stress management to an audience, Raised a glass of water and asked, “How heavy is this glass of water?”

Posted On: 9 Jun,2010 By:
Category: Relax, Stress

8 Benefits of Relaxation: Good Stress Management

Here’s a list of reasons why relaxation is so important. As a psychologist and life coach, I still need to remind myself of its value. Not because I don’t inherently know it, but because although it’s something I aim to do daily, it can sometimes seem like a million-and-one other things need to get done […]