This is often the time of year when people take some time off work to relax, visit friends and family, and hopefully have some fun. I know though that this time of year isn’t fun for everyone. For some, it’s a matter of surviving the holidays. Suppose you decided to make fun a priority, what […]
Maybe it’s just me. As I’m thinking about my New Year’s resolutions, I’m thinking differently this year. I want to make them more interesting, more intentional, and diverse. I’ve decided to do something akin to Gretchen Rubin’s Happiness Project or LifeBook’s goal setting. I’m going to plan things month-by-month.
Just what do people mean when they say, “all you have to do is believe in yourself!”? I know it’s certainly well intentioned, but it’s hard to think of how exactly to do that!! How do you create good luck when it seems you’ve had a ton of bad luck and the pile just keeps […]
I’ve been reading a book about finding your passion. It’s gotten me thinking about the power of passion and will, what becomes a turning point in someone’s life, and what helps create inspiration in people’s lives. Turning Point Alison was a photo-journalist whose passion was to bring to life the struggles of people in third […]
I just finished a really quick read: How Full is Your Bucket? written by a psychologist and his grandson. There was some simple but interesting ideas discussed.
Every fall I feel my body wanting to slow down. As the weather gets colder and the daytime is shorter, like a bear, I am tempted to hibernate. I love getting in comfy clothes, sitting in front of the fire or under cozy blankets and reading. The energy I felt during the summer months dissipates […]
In the video, I walk you through the steps to creating a rich vision of a passionate life so that you can see it, hear it, and feel it. I suggest how to start and/or continue on your journey to living vivaciously. Enjoy!
“Procrastination is the art of keeping up to yesterday.” ~Don Marquis Beating procrastination, creating new habits, or changing the way you do things is hard. It’s often said it takes 3 weeks of persistently doing something for it to become a habit. How do you create change that’s going to last? For many, it’s […]
The 2010 Winter Olympics have ended. I have to say I have never been so touched, proud, amazed, awed, excited, and patriotic. The athletes exemplify everything that can remind us of trying our best, of perservering when the odds are against you, of giving it all you have to make a difference–in your life–and in the life […]
Ideas about Change: The psychology and coaching fields have lots of ideas about change–what facilitates change, what maintains change, and whether change is even possible.