Posts From: Category

Posted On: 14 Jun,2012 By:
Category: Goals and Change

Readiness to Change: Are you there yet?

If there is no struggle, there is no progress. ~ Frederick Douglass Sometimes it’s the smallest decisions that can change your life forever. ~ Keri Russell We all have big changes in our lives that are more or less a second chance. ~ Harrison Ford When you are through changing you are through. ~ Bruce […]

Posted On: 30 May,2012 By:
Category: Couples

When to leave a Relationship: Separation and Divorce

Let’s face it. Relationships can be tricky. They can be really hard. But how do you know when it’s time to leave?

Posted On: 19 May,2012 By:
Category: Making Meaning

Making Meaning of the Absolute Truth in Psychiatric Diagnosis

The last few months I’ve been reading books on subjects such as couple’s therapy, introversion, sex drive, infidelity, and mindfulness. As I’ve been reading, a growing sense of unease has lead me to re-consider labels.

Posted On: 8 May,2012 By:
Category: Introverts and Extroverts

In Praise of Introverts

“In our culture, snails are not considered valiant animals — we are constantly exhorting people to ‘come out of their shells’ — but there’s a lot to be said for taking your home with you wherever you go.” — Susan Cain  

Posted On: 23 Apr,2012 By:
Category: Couples

Project Relationship: Saving a Marriage One Self-help Book at a Time

She was planning his funeral. She thought about all the people she would invite, what her husband’s best friend would say, what food and drink she would serve, and how she would record the whole thing so that when their daughter was old enough, she could watch the video to really get to know her […]

Posted On: 10 Apr,2012 By:
Category: Goals and Change

The Power of Perseverance

It was a beautiful blue sky day. One or two wisps of cloud danced in the sky. The temperature was perfect. Not too cold and not too hot. The snow was soft, fast, and plentiful.

Posted On: 19 Mar,2012 By:
Category: Goals and Change, Solution-focused

Dealing with Stress: Live from the Heart

Yesterday I attended a presentation by Brian Keating, a wildlife expert and anthropology professor. He talked about and showed videos on animals such as the narwhal, the penguin, the elephant, and the beaver with infectious enthusiasm. He spoke in such a juicy way that I wanted to brush off my hiking boots and get out […]

Posted On: 15 Mar,2012 By:
Category: Goals and Change, Stress

What to do when Bad Luck Happens

I just got back from a two week vacation in Mexico. It was heavenly. Really relaxing and really fun. As we started to come back though, sh*t started to happen! My husband caught the stomach flu just hours before our flight. He was in rough shape. Then the winds prevented our last plane from being […]

Posted On: 29 Feb,2012 By:
Category: Couples

Putting Desire Back into Sex

Jack and Jill Jack and Jill go up and down the hill on each other once a week for 30 minutes, whether they both feel like it or not. They have the routine down pat. In fact, neither one of them really needs to think about what they’re doing because they long ago memorized the […]

Posted On: 24 Feb,2012 By:
Category: Couples

Rebuilding Sexual Desire in Loving Relationships

In my work with couples, there is often some dissatisfaction around the frequency of sex. One person may feel deprived while the other feels pressured. The pressure can build to the point where there is little touching–whether it’s sexual or not. The person who is missing sex tries to be patient but can become frustrated […]