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Posted On: 26 Jul,2018 By:
Category: Couple's Retreat

Top Three Reasons for a Couple’s Retreat

  The exact reasons people want to come to a couple’s retreat vary. But the top three reasons people come to my retreats are: 

Posted On: 22 Jul,2018 By:
Category: Abuse, Trauma

PTSD and Trauma Treatment

PTSD and trauma have historically been treated using talk therapy alone. But things are changing with the recognition of the role of the body in processing experiences.

Posted On: 5 Mar,2017 By:
Category: Goals and Change

Career Finding

Choosing the right career can seem daunting. Sometimes you may think you’re on the right track but change your mind once you get started. It can be stressful figuring it out!

Posted On: 4 Feb,2017 By:
Category: Stress

Managing Stress Through Technological Hell

Recently I went through another lesson in managing stress with technological issues. It all began on a day when I was writing up receipts for clients. I had just gotten started when my accounting program shut down. After re-opening it three or four times, it no longer would start.

Posted On: 29 Jan,2017 By:
Category: Anxiety/Worry, Depression, Diagnosis, Grief

Mental Health Awareness: It Begins with You

Mental Health awareness is growing every decade. The stigma surrounding mental health issues has been lessening but still has a long way to go. Campaigns such as Bell Canada’s Let’s talk really help in raising awareness.

Posted On: 29 Aug,2016 By:
Category: Goals and Change

Using Your Heroes in Life

Using your heroes in life may sound pretty weird. But we all have heroes-in real life, on TV on the internet, in books, or in history. They’re people whose characteristics we really like. What is it that you admire about them? What do they do that you could emulate?

Posted On: 1 Aug,2016 By:
Category: Goals and Change

Goal Setting: Beginning with Feelings First

Goal setting Goal setting daily, monthly, quarterly, annually, or every 5 or 10 years can help us live purposeful, rich, and juicy lives. Beginning with feelings first can help us

Posted On: 24 Jul,2016 By:
Category: Couples, Relationships

Relationship Help: Accepting Influence

Many people ask for relationship help when arguments seem to keep reaching an impasse. What can you do when you feel like both of you are locked in your positions?

Posted On: 15 Jul,2016 By:
Category: Goals and Change

S.M.A.R.T. Goals are the Way to Go!

The S.M.A.R.T goal acronym is not new.

Posted On: 8 Jul,2016 By:
Category: Goals and Change

Goal Setting with the End in Mind

There are many ways to do some goal setting that can really work.